Upper Warden Andrew Phillips JP

Andrew Phillips is a dedicated community servant with a distinguished career spanning various roles. As a retired senior officer in the British Fire Service, he attended significant incidents including the Kings Cross Fire in 1987, the Marchioness disaster in 1989, and the 7/7 Bombings in 2005. He received multiple service medals and a Bronze Medal from the RSPCA for the heroic rescue of five horses from a blazing stable. Andrew is also a Justice of the Peace.

In his involvement with the Worshipful Company of Firefighters, Andrew became a Freeman in 2009, a Liveryman in 2011, and joined the Court of Assistants in 2015. A passionate sportsman, he has represented the British Fire Service in cricket and plays for Essex Seniors, in addition to coaching the Essex Falcons ability team.

Andrew is a devoted father to two daughters, a loving partner to Diane, and enjoys walking and cooking in his leisure time.