Article Added: 28 Aug 2023

    On Thursday 24th August the Master, Graham Woodhouse, organised an informal 'Pie & a Pint' at Ye Olde Watling in, believe it or not, Watling Street! Twelve members attended, including our immediate Past Master, Steve Saunders, and the Assistant Clerk, Geoff Fall. We all had a most enjoyable day putting the world to rights with a few beers and an excellent lunch. Our thanks to Graham for org ...

    Article Added: 07 Jun 2023

    Residents and business owners are being encouraged to give their views to help shape Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service’s plan for the next five years. The Service is looking ahead and starting to draft its plan, known as the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP), which covers its key focus areas until 2029. The plan will identify the fire and rescue related risks in the county and how ...

    Article Added: 19 May 2023

    Firefighters Memorial Day, an international event held on May 4th this year, is a chance to show solidarity and remembrance for firefighters and fire and rescue workers around the world. In the City of London a major event marking the day is a ceremony at the Firefighters Memorial close to St Paul’s Cathedral. Our main picture shows two of our Liverymen, Barry Sargent on the left and Mick ...

    Article Added: 20 Apr 2023

    Members of the Company enjoyed a very pleasant lunch on April 17th in the elegant surroundings of Ironmongers' Hall. They were delighted to be joined by our guest Jim Chapman, LFB Borough Commander from Dowgate Fire Station. David Holt - Renter Warden ...

    Article Added: 05 Apr 2023

    Recently, Renter Warden David Holt attended the City Giving Day 2023 breakfast event at the Mansion House, on behalf of the Master. The City Giving Day supports the Lord Mayor’s Appeal, which this year will support National Numeracy, The Duke of Edinburg’s Award and MQ Mental Health Research. The City Giving Day is an annual celebration of philanthropy and giving, allowing City or ...

    Article Added: 02 Apr 2023

    Three members of the Worshipful Company of Firefighters attended the Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch at Guildhall on March 30th. Pictured with The Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor, Alderman Nicholas Lyons are, (l. to r.) Liverymen Max Dissanayake, Michael Clifford and Tom Brookes. Hosted by the Lord Mayor this sell-out event was a demonstration of the City’s support for members of His Majesty&rsquo ...