WCoFF Event News Desk
The Worshipful Company of Firefighters was proud to lead the float for the Modern Livery Companies in the recent Lord Mayor's Show following the installation of Alderman Alastair King. We were delighted to have a group of London Fire Brigade Cadets at the head of our float, together with several Company members dressed in old fire tunics and traditional brass fire helmets. For the lunch break we ...
On January 15th, the Rev. George Bush, our Company Chaplain for many years, officiated at a service to celebrate his Ministry at St Mary-le-Bow over more than 20 years, prior to his retirement on February 2nd. Our Master and Consort, together with a few members of the Company attended the Solemn Evensong in a church packed with representatives of the Livery Companies with which George was assoc ...
The Lord Mays Show 2023 The Master and Wardens, together with several members of the Company, took part in the Lord Mayor's Show on Saturday, November 11th. Once more, we organised the Modern Livery Companies Float, with the classic Routmaster bus heading our section of the procession. ...
Save the Date - Fire Lecture 2023 November 16th, 17:00, The Old Library, Lloyd’s of London THE UK INTERNATIONAL SEARCH AND RESCUE TEAM Its Organisation and Deployment The UK International Search and Rescue Team (UKISAR) has made headline news this year following deployment after devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Morocco. This event will bring together two key figures in the organisa ...
Are you interested in becoming a member of The Worshipful Company of Firefighters. The Worshipful Company of Firefighters is one of the 111 livery companies of the City of London. The Company's aim is to promote the development and advancement of the science, art and the practice of firefighting, fire prevention and life safety. It operates essentially as a charitable organisation, and also encou ...
Firefighters Memorial Day, an international event held on May 4th this year, is a chance to show solidarity and remembrance for firefighters and fire and rescue workers around the world. In the City of London a major event marking the day is a ceremony at the Firefighters Memorial close to St Paul’s Cathedral. Our main picture shows two of our Liverymen, Barry Sargent on the left and Mick ...