WCoFF Company News Desk
On February 14th our Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Fire Chiefs Council UK Fire Cadets. The object of the agreement was to form a partnership to support and encourage the objectives of the Fire Cadet schemes across the country, using Ambassadors drawn from our Company. The document was the result of some patient discussions with the NFCC over a period of ...
In a departure from our normal calendar of events we held a Fund-Raising Dinner for our Charitable Trust in the Palace of Westminster on September 4th. We dined in the elegant surroundings of the Churchill Room, hosted by Bob Blackman, MP for Harrow East. Bob has chaired the All Party Parliamentary Group on Fire Safety & Rescue for some years and he is also the Chairman of the 1922 Committee. ...
OnJuly 5th the Company held its Common Hall in St Vedast-alias-Foster. Prof. David Holt DSc (Med) was installed as the new Master. At the same time our new Wardens advanced as follows: Andrew Phillips JP to Upper Warden, Peter Holland CBE, QFSM to Renter Warden and Nicole Hoffman PhD, CEng to Under Warden. Sandra Holt was Installed as Mistress Firefighter. The Foundation Beadle of the Company, J ...
Recently, Liveryman Tom Brookes kindly represented the Worshipful Company of Firefighters Charitable Trust at the Annual Celebration of the Glasgow Caledonian University School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment. The evening was the Prize Giving event for outstanding students of the year. The WCoFF Charitable Trust was one of the Professional Body Award Sponsors; our category ...
At the Annual General Meeting of the Tower Ward Club on April 12th, Liveryman Michael Rollings was installed as Master. We send him our best wishes for a productive and successful year. Michael is shown in the West Crypt of Guildhall with our Renter Warden Andrew Phillips JP, who was elected to be Senior Warden of the Club, and our Liveryman Robert Bryant, who was elected as Junior Warden. Fo ...
Our Master gallantly entered this event on our behalf this year which was held in the Guildhall Yard, but the races were much attenuated due to the poor weather conditions. Rain stopped play! So, we descended to the Crypt, where the Masters’ Race turned into a static event in which the object was to see who could toss a pancake the most times in 30 seconds. Sadly, our Master did not m ...