Beds FRS provides water safety education event for World Drowning Prevention Day

Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) will be marking World Drowning Prevention Day (Thursday 25 July) by running two training sessions on the embankment in Bedford.


Despite global efforts, drowning remains the leading cause of death in all countries across the world. World Drowning Prevention Day provides us with the opportunity to highlight the tragic and profound impact of drowning on families and communities and to offer lifesaving solutions to prevent it.


The sessions will commence with education and advice including cold water immersion and hypothermia. Fire service crews will then give a short demonstration bankside on the correct methods to deploy a throwline with some handy tips, followed by an in-water demonstration/rescue. Attendees will then have the opportunity to throw a line at targets and firefighters in the water in a controlled environment. 

 Details for the morning session are below:

When: Thursday 25 July

Time: 10:30-12:30am

Where: Embankment at the rear of Bedford College. The what three words location is ///take.snap.mostly

 Interviews will be available with: Robert Hulatt, Group Commander Prevention

 For more information on World Drowning Prevention Day 2023, please visitWorld Drowning Prevention Day 2024 (

 Contact on the day: Nicola Dowlen