WCoFF Visit to Crossrail


Recently, we were privileged to make a private tour of the new Liverpool Street Crossrail station. It is a working building site on a massive infra-structure project, so full PPE was needed before we descended about eight floors to platform level. En route we saw the huge investment in plant rooms for ventilation and power supply, and the interconnections for other railway lines and evacuation routes. We walked the length of the platform, several hundred yards, and were lucky enough to see a road/rail transport vehicle for engineering crews traversing the tracks. We then ascended to the new Moorgate entrance of the line to observe the control room for the Liverpool Street station. The group photo shows us in one of the connecting tunnels behind the platform.

Thanks are due to our hosts, who fielded numerous questions, and to Under Warden Nicole Hoffman for arranging the visit.

David Holt - PR&M and Events Committees