Bedfordshire Fire & Rescue Service Risk Management Plans 2019


 20 February 2019

 Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service Consult On

Their Risk Management Plans for 2019 to 2023

 Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service (BFRS) have launched a consultation on their plans for dealing with serious risks facing people in the county. Their Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) assesses the threats facing our communities and sets out our actions and activities over the next four years to meet these challenges.

 The draft CRMP is now on the BFRS website and an online survey enables people to give their views on whether the Service is addressing the most serious risks facing local people and whether they are going about it in the best possible ways.

 The draft CRMP explains how BFRS intend to deliver their vision of providing outstanding fire and rescue services by further improving:

- how they assess and analyse the risks faced by the communities they serve;
- the effectiveness of their prevention, protection and emergency response services;
- how efficiently BFRS deploys their assets and resources to mitigate community risk;
- how they value, support and invest in their best asset: their staff.

 Deputy Chief Fire Officer Andrew Hopkinson said: “Our aim with the CRMP is to promote safety in our communities, working closely with businesses, schools and communities to inform and educate people on how to be safe in their homes, places of work and when travelling within our county. Our CRMP also builds on the Service’s commitment to promote inclusion and diversity in all we do, having due regard for our statutory obligations.

“We’d like local people to help us understand their perception of the risks facing their communities and how we should deal with them by our response to incidents, our work to prevent them happening and how we can better protect the public from them. To do this we are now consulting on our next plan covering the years 2019 to 2023 and want their views on our plans. Just completing this survey will help us shape how we manage risks to our communities over the next four years.”

Visit the BFRS website for more information:

Read the draft CRMP 2019-2023:

Take the survey: