Page 7 - July 2017
P. 7
From the Trust
the following applicants:
Dr David Crowther and during the forthcoming months we shall be evaluating how this engagement has progressed.
Concern about future Charitable income exists amongst all the Trustees as time progresses. The Charitable Ball which has been a cornerstone of the Charitable Income almost since the formation of the Company just achieved a “break-even” point last year thanks to the organisers and the Fire Industry who sponsored the event. The Charitable Ball has for some years seen a decline in Company Members attending and sadly is not part of the Company’s Annual Calendar of events this year. The Trustee Board continue to be very grateful to the XL Catlin for their Sponsorship of the annual City Dinner in early November that provides substantial income for the Charitable Trust. The Board of Trustees will be shortly considering a range of fund raising options that will be required to sustain our ability to make Grant Awards in the future if we are to continue the valuable work of the Trust.
The Vice-Chairman, Graham Maltby has recently completed a comprehensive review of our administration and Grant Application process which is now wholly electronic and via the Company Website reducing the administration required by our busy Clerk. Senior Past Master Jeremy Beech and the Clerk continue to lead on the process to secure Charitable Incorporation through the process governed by the Charitable Commission. Inthefinalparagraphonbehalfof all the Trustees our sincere thanks to Past Master Michael Harper who has stood down as a Trustee after many years and welcome Maurice Heaster to the Board of Trustees.
Chairman Frances Blois •
Persons Outreach Scheme,
• London Fire Brigade Sensory
Garden at Brixton Fire Station,
• The Burns Camp (Rehabilitation of Young Persons Burnt in Fire
Related Incidents)
• London Fire Brigade Marine
Cadets (Uniform Provision),
• London Fire Brigade Personnel and Welfare Scheme (Grenfell Tower Fire Counselling and
Welfare Provision),
• The Lord Mayor’s Charity
Frances Blois Chairman WCoFFCT •
(Improving the lives of Disadvantaged Young People), National Fire Chief’s Council – Fire Cadets Games 2018
London Cadet Leaders Scheme, • Essex Fire and Rescue Service (Firebreak) Cadet and Young
The Worshipful Company of Firefighters (WCoFFCT), Charitable Trust continues to consider applications for Grants from worthy causes and support several Fire and Rescue related initiatives along with The Lord Mayor’s Charity. The Charitable world is a continually changing environment with the biggest challenge for the Trustees being able to prioritise those applications which will provide the maximum benefit for the recipients against the resources available. The Trustees have considered carefully where priorities should lay for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the Trustee Board have published the Charitable Trust five priorities as:
1. Young People, Leadership, Development and Responsible Citizenship,
2. Education and Research Projects,
3. Fire and Rescue Heritage,
4. National Charities Associated with Fire and Rescue and the
Fire Industry, and
5. Lord Mayor’s, Livery Company
and City of London Charities.
Since the last Salamander the Trustees have awarded grants to
• Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Museum
• Women in the Fire Service – (UK Female Fire Safety Education Specialists in Lebanon)
These Charitable Trust Grants amount to over £55,000 and any member of the Charitable Trust can give more details of the Grant Awards and what they are expected to achieve should Company Members have an interest. The WCoFF are fully recognised in each grant and I am delighted to report that we are regularly updated on each project and have invitations by the respective organisations to various events to witness at first hand the work being undertaken. Where appropriate a Trustee is appointed as liaison for each organisation and monitors the progress in meeting the objectives stated in their grant applications.
The Charitable Trust has made progress on engaging with recognised Educational Establishments over recognition for outstanding Fire and Industry Related Projects and Degrees involving several Universities and Higher Educational Colleges thanks to the work of Liveryman
Frances Blois
Worshipful Company of Firefighters Charitable Trust
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