Page 4 - July 2017
P. 4

 Four authors from the Great Fire of London 1666 A Cold-Case Fire Investigation Left to right David Holt, Master Bruce Hoad, Peter Mansi and Graham Woodhouse
 and dignitaries at our various events. The Great Fire was officially commemorated over a long weekend at the beginning of September, and the Company was well represented at the spectacular burning of the City model on the Thames, the British Fire Services’ Association dinner and the Sunday service at St Paul’s Cathedral.
On September 7th, Liveryman Peter Mansi delivered the first of a series of Great Fire talks at the Museum of London, based upon his research for the Company’s book. This was
extremely well received and generated huge interest from across the world. Upper Warden John Mansfield even managed to get our Great Fire brick featured by Fiona Bruce in a forthcomingepisodeoftheAntiquesRoadshow. The Company’s reputation within the City must have been enhanced tremendously by our visible and thoughtful contributions to the commemorations, and a great many of our members deserve our thanks for their efforts.
I have been especially privileged to witness first-hand some of the inspirational work that
 St Florian’s Installation Banquet. Master Bruce Hoad presenting a framed Wenceslaus Hollar Print to his guest Jim Fitzpatrick MP
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