Page 14 - August 2016
P. 14

                                THE SALAMANDER | AUGUST 2016
Members & invited guests attended “Meet the Firefighters” at the Insurance Hall
 Meet the Firefighters is an annual event where we open our doors to invited guest to explain to them what Livery Company’s are and more importantly what they are not.
Throughout the year, the Company organises many events for members, their partners and families, members of other Livery Companies andfromtheFireFightingcommunity.Currently we hold two formal dinners each year, the Massey-Shaw annual dinner (named after the first Chief Officer of the London Fire Brigade) and the St Florian’s Installation Banquet, in memory of the Patron Saint of Firefighters where we greet the recently elected Master of the Company. Partners, Family and Guests are warmly welcomed at both dinners when we have the opportunity to display the Company silver and plate. There are other less formal dinners and lunches including those intended especially for New Members and Liverymen.
The Events committee organise a number of events and outings such as visits to the Tower of London (to witness the Ceremony of the Keys), also visits to HMS Belfast, HQS Wellington and HMS Victory have also been organised. There have also been river trips,
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visits to fire stations and informal lunches for members and ladies, who have also organised trips to establishments such as Mansion House and the Bank of England. We take part in the Lord Mayor’s show, inter-livery golf matches and also provide a team for the Livery Pancake Race at the Guildhall Yard on Shrove Tuesday. Our most glittering social event is the Annual Fire Industry Charity Ball held at a London venue in September of each year.
The more serious side of the Livery Company is not neglected with the annual ‘Fire’ Lecture attended by representatives from Industry, Fire and Safety Organisations together with Individuals. The Company’s Carol Service takes place in St. Mary-le-bow Church (of Dick Whittington and Bow Bell’s fame) where we also hold our Re-Dedication Service following Common Hall each July.
The Company is always represented at the annual Firefighters’ Memorial Service. The City Dinner has become the annual dinner for raising funds for the Charitable Trust and this is supported and held at Catlin’s International headquarters in the City.

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