Page 104 - Archived Back Issues
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The Trustees have, in recent months, agreed donations totalling £18,370 which represents 75% of its annual income and is in line with the Financial Model developed as part of the Charitable Trust’s Reserves and Investments policy.
The Trustees continue to engage more closely with the core charities. On 12th July 2011 the Chairman visited the Massey Shaw undergoing its major restoration at Gloucester Docks and also the new Therapy Centre for the Firefighters Charity at Marine Court, Littlehampton on 22nd November 2011.
Donations have been made to the following charities and organisations and in each case there are defined and tangible outcomes of each grant, together with performance measures insisted upon as part of these donations.
The Firefighters Memorial Trust
A donation of £3410.40 has been made to the Firefighters Memorial Trust to assist volunteers refurbishing the wall coverings and carpets in the Memorial Chapel at the Fire Service College, which have not received any attention since the Chapel was formally opened in 1988.
The Firefighters Charity
An initial donation of £5000 has been made and Trustees have agreed to provide a total of £15,000 by 2013. This will ensure the complete refurbishment of the Residents’ Lounge at the new Therapy Centre at Marine Court, Littlehampton and, crucially, provide a platform to permanently raise the profile of the Company and, with it, possibilities for future increased membership. On-going performance measures include progress reports on construction and visits by the Trustees. Opportunities for a ceremonial plaque and high profile ceremony exist in 2013 to formally “hand over” the refurbished lounge.
Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust (RAFT)
A donation of £5000 has been provided for a specific project to study the properties of Smart Matrix which accelerates the healing process in burns victims through an improved artificial skin graft process. A six monthly progress report will be submitted by RAFT to the Charitable Trust.
The Massey Shaw and Marine Vessels Preservation Society
A donation of £5000 to completely fund an educational project to be presented by professional actors to Key Stage 2 pupils in London schools studying World War II as part of their themed based curriculum. On 8th November, all Trustees were invited to view the inaugural “dress rehearsal” held at the London Fire Brigade Museum in Southwark.
Together with Viv Jones, Chair of the PR and Marketing Group, five Trustees attended this presentation. The importance of attending this inaugural production should not be understated - it provided the Charitable Trustees with an opportunity to offer feedback and constructive criticism on the performance, as well as clearly demonstrating engagement with a beneficiary and monitoring how the Charity’s donation was being used for educational benefit.
It is intended that the performance will now be piloted among selected London schools after December 2011, with full evaluation completed by the end of the current school year. The finished production is planned to be ready for the start of the school year in September 2012.
Whilst this may seem some months away, the time frame allows for more extensive development of the production which will allow schools attending to tailor the depth of the production according to their individual teaching requirements.
This time frame also allows time for important discussions on how the Worshipful Company and Charitable Trust would wish to have appropriate branding on the information packs which have yet to be developed and will be sent out to schools in advance of their attendance. Again opportunities will be available for Trustees to see the production at these later stages with an audience of school children.
It is important to emphasise here that this professionally produced drama, scripted and enacted by Spectrum Drama, was produced to a very high standard and whose members are to be congratulated, along with David Rogers, on its process thus far.
Andy Goves, Chairman Charitable Trust
Of course, none of these donations to such deserving causes would have been possible without the generous support of all Company members. And in particular, those responsible for sponsoring and supporting the annual Fire Industry Charitable Ball need special mention here, due to the unprecedented amount raised this year in ever more challenging financial circumstances.
The Fire Industry Charity Ball was a great night with a great result, with over £23,172 raised for our Charitable Trust.
With special thanks to our co- promoters and sponsors:
Shaping Alarm Technology
Join us next year on 15th September 2012 at the Radisson Portman Hotel.
Fire Industry Charity Ball