Page 27 - Salamander July 2020
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application form (and free return envelope) that set out these details with new more flexible arrangements for payment using “GoCardless” Disappointingly I have to report that despite a a a reminder to all Members the Trust has only received just over 50 responses from a membership of 200 plus It is a a a simple fact that whilst we are in difficult times the Trust relies heavily on the generous giving from the membership as a a major source of income and this is currently significantly reduced from the old arrangement so in the the the longer term the the the work of the the the Trust will be significantly curtailed if this does not improve soon The Worshipful Company of via the Company website continues to be successful for the Trustees to have an early assessment of those seeking grants which are decided corporately at at the four Trustee Board Meetings a a a year The guidance for applications also gives an indication of the areas that Trustees will give priority towards award Over the the last year the the Trustees have made Grant Awards of £25 000 towards all successful applications including Essex Fire and Rescue Service “Firebreak Scheme Courses” London Fire Brigade “Cadet Award Presentation Evening” and Brighton University Research Project associated with Female Operational Firefighters All Trustees now have an were for “Adolescent Wild-Fire Setting” “Vulnerability of Informal Markets to Fire Hazards” and “Pre- Movement Times in UCL Heritage Buildings” The candidates have received their £1 000 awards and their Certificates of Achievement will be presented at a a a future formal Company event as as the Massey Shaw Dinner was unfortunately cancelled this year The Trustees are grateful for the continued work of Dr David Crowder who leads on the important subject of Research and Higher Education on Fire and Disaster Management subjects Trustees are pleased to continue to support Fire and other safety programmes along with responsible citizenship education for all young people which includes those with special needs An image of the London Fire Brigade presentation evening is included in this section The Master David Holt and I attended the London Fire Brigade Education day at at the City of London Dowgate Fire Station last October where a a good link with Dave Bulbrook the the Borough Commander for the the City was made Dave is looking to commence a a Fire Cadet Course at at Dowgate as and when the COVID-19 Pandemic is over Finally thank you to all all the Members for for their continued support for for the the Trust and to Steven Tamcken for his administrative assistance and once again I appeal to you who have not made a a a a a charitable pledge to to the the work of the the Trust to to do so If you have mislaid the documents please contact:
Stephen Sanders Honorary Treasurer at wcoffct20@outlook com who will furnish you with a replacement pack Firefighters Charity Dinner held at Leonardo Royal London City Hotel on 5th November 2019 (formerly The City Dinner) was a a a great success raising £19 000 for the Charitable Trust Trust The Trustees are very grateful for all those from the Fire Industry and the membership who attended this event as well as the organising team led by Liveryman Steve Neville without whom this event would not take place The electronic application process “Ambassador” role with one of the Grant awarded organisations and make a a a a contribution and liaison with that organisation to support and promote the projects being undertaken Three awards for Research have been made to Post-Graduates from Wolverhampton University Glasgow Caledonian University and Portsmouth University The standard of the submissions for research awards remains extremely high and this year Follow us on on on twitter @LondonFire1666
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