Page 13 - Salamander 01-2020
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priority areas set by the Trustees in 2018.
The Trust owe a huge debt of gratitude to the sponsors, supporters, and particularly to Liveryman Steve Neville, Liveryman Stuart McEwan and Lesley Routh-Jones from the FPA who key architects in the organisation were and for
wards to:
1. Young People, Leadership, Development and Responsible Citizenship,
2. Education and Research Projects,
3. Fire and Rescue Heritage,
awarded £250,000 to various applicants including £151,000 to Young People, Leadership and Responsible Citizenship, £19,000 to Educational and Research Projects.
The New Year of 2020 will bring its own and unpredictable challenges for the Charitable Trust, but we are
 the supporting work of Steven Tamcken, Clerk, and Stephen Saunders, Assistant Clerk.
There is no doubt the succession to the City Dinner was well received and the Trustee Board hope this event will continue for many years to come.
3. Charitable Trust Grants
Members of the Company may not be aware that the Trustees having reviewed available income continue to give priority to grant
4. National Charities Associated Fire and Rescue and the Fire Industry, and
5. Lord Mayor’s, Livery Company and City of London Charities.
Trustees will consider applications for other worthy causes when these arise.
The Board maintain a Register of Grant Awards and in the last seven years the Trust has
in no better position to meet these with experienced, dedicated and capable Board of Trustees.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees thank you to all members of the Worshipful Company of Firefighters for all your continued engagement, encouragement and support.
     Follow us on twitter @LondonFire1666
Graham Maltby
Chair of the Charitable Trust

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