

Some time ago we drew attention to the free app What3Words and its potential to assist the emergency services in pinpointing locations. The app divides the world into 3m x 3m squares and assigns each a three-word sequence. For instance, our base at Wax Chandlers’ Hall is defined by shares.like.deaf.

Recently, Cleveland Fire Brigade reported a successful water rescue assisted by use of the app. The brigade received a call from four young men stranded in a boat on the River Tees at 10:00pm. They had no clear idea of their location and were asked by brigade control staff to download the app and give their three word location. A specialist water rescue team was then able to locate the boat and tow it to safety.

We urge readers to download the app before they are in a situation in which they need it.

Source: Emergency Services Tines, October 2019.