Meet the Firefighters 2019

Recruitment of New Members

We are once again busy organising our annual “Meet the Firefighters” event to attract new members and active participants to our livery company.
As part of these preparations, we need your assistance by nominating family, friends or colleagues who you think would be interested in joining us.

Our established special meeting, the  “Meet the Firefighters” is planned to be held on:

Thursday 20th June 2019
11:30 – 14:00  
at the Wax Chandler’s Hall, 6 Gresham Street, London. EC2V 7AD

The program consists of presentations about the Company, the Livery and the City, along with refreshments and finger buffet within our new home.
There will also be ample opportunities for prospective members to meet and chat with the Master and Wardens and other members of the Company.
If you know of someone, especially those who work in or have experience of the Fire Service or the Fire Industry, or whose family served within the fire service, who you think may be interested and would make a good member, then please ask them to reserve the date in their diaries.
Please send their contact details to the Clerk and myself.
Your nominee, and you as host, will then be invited formally to the event.
This is an ideal opportunity for people to become involved with the Company.
Please use your best endeavours to introduce your friends, family or colleagues that will really benefit from this specially arranged meeting.

Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Nicole Hoffmann

Chair – Membership Committee